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​Australian Chinese Jockey Club & 2018 Miss Australia Chinese Pageant Charity Dinner

 2018 澳洲华裔小姐竞选总决赛 & 悉尼华人赛马慈善晚会

On the 28th of September, 2018, King Horse was honored to be the wine sponsor for the 2018 Australian Chinese Jockey Club & Miss Australia Chinese Pageant Charity Dinner. All funds received on the night were donated to The Westmead Institute for Medical Research. 

2018年9月28日,皇马集团荣幸作为钻石赞助商携手悉尼华人赛马会与澳洲TVB ANYWHERE 承办 2018 澳洲华裔小姐竞选。 慈善晚会所得将捐献给Westmead Insitute作为医学研究。

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